My name is Nadja, I am a ceramic artist and I create my art in my studio in Sväty Jur in Slovakia. Originally from Germany, I used to live the last years in Austria where I started my work with clay.
When I had the first time clay in my hands, formed it, saw my first raw burned piece, glazed it with all the creativity in my mind and saw at the end my first coffee cup, since then I cannot imagine to not work creative with my hands anymore and build something new. Trying new things every day or developing well accomplished ideas gives me so much joy with this incredible product.
Every item is an individuell prepared piece, formed by hand and its fully me, so you will find a fingerprint quite often. The imperfection is my perfection. Being perfect, producing identical pieces, this is not my ambition. Inspired by nature, all people and things around me, run into my creative thoughts and will reflect in my ceramics. The result is always a surprise.
Most of the products are dishwasher safe, but for their longevity I would recommend to wash them by hand.